Employers rapidly learn, there’s a huge difference between a worker who’s matched correctly to the job and the organization, and one who isn’t.
How do you find the right people to match to the jobs? You must have a comprehensive hiring and development strategy, and a well-prepared recruiting and selection program. The key is developing a program and use a proven recruiting system for the positions you need to fill. You should not be tempted to short circuit your process, because shortcutting it can result in making bad hiring decisions that impact the long-term success of your organization.
Your selection system should include a method to assess your potential candidates for their personality traits, skills, and attributes in relation to the job. Resume and phone interviews can only tell you so much about a job applicant. To make your best hiring decisions you need a validated and predictive assessment that analyzes the core competency traits and cognitive reasoning of your candidates. For example, a good assessment will provide insights into how the individual’s personality traits and behaviors are a match to the competencies necessary to perform the job successfully.
In addition, to deciding whether you’re going to use pre-employment testing ask yourself how much is it worth for you to know an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, not only as a hire but as a tool to help you determine their coaching and training needs, along with the best approach to maximize the person’s productivity? Organizations fail to use assessments when they could be a very valuable tool. For example, if an applicant fits the job and appears to be the person you want to hire, assessments can help you determine how to work with them more effectively and develop a career path within your organization.
Maximum Potential Inc. is pleased to be introducing our results-oriented SaaS-based Assessment Platform with over 800 validated and predictive job assessments.
I’ll be posting the key benefits of this new and powerful platform. For those of you who are or will be deciding on a new assessment platform please contact me for your personal demonstration of our SaaS-based assessment system.
800.416.9570 / 6510.452.8256 billsr@maximumpotential.com
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